Latest updates
November 2024
New GOV.UK prototype kit plugin for Find an address pattern
We have launched an address finder plugin for the GOV.UK Prototype Kit. The plugin allows you to insert the full DWP Find an address pattern into a prototype without having to code individual pages or routes. It includes pages, routes and logic for storing an address in the prototype session.
October 2024
Published Horizontal navigation component
The Horizontal navigation component is a secondary navigation element for use in agent-facing services, along with the header navigation and side navigation components. It is included in DWP Frontend v3.1.0.
September 2024
Updated the Timeline component
We released an updated version of the Timeline component. The new version of the component is included in DWP Frontend version 3 and later: this is a breaking change and if you are using the earlier version of the timeline you will need to update your code.
The main differences are:
- events can now include links and descriptions
for improved contrast- date is now shown git first and aligned to the timeline marker
- there is an end marker to show the end of the timeline (below the earliest event)
August 2024
Published Quick reference component; retired Key details bar
The Quick reference component helps a user to check they are in the right place in an internal DWP service. It replaces the Key details bar which is now retired.
May 2024
Published External service footer component
The external service footer provides a standard layout and links for page footers on external DWP services. It uses the GOV.UK footer component.
Published Header navigation component
The Header navigation component is a version of the internal service header that includes navigation items. It is included in dwp-frontend v2.7.0.
Published Language toggle component
We have made the Language toggle used in the Toggle to Welsh pattern into a separate component. It is included in dwp-frontend v2.7.0.
March 2024
Updated Key details bar guidance
The guidance for the Key details bar component has been updated to:
- change the default design to include fewer data items
- give clearer guidance on when and when not to use the component
Updated Cookies page guidance
The Cookies page guidance has been updated to include standard names and descriptions for Google Analytics cookies.
January 2024
Published Side navigation component
The Side navigation component is a list of related links within a service.
December 2023
Published Choose alternative contact formats pattern
Choose alternative contact formats is a standard way to ask about users’ needs for accessible alternative formats for letters and phone calls.
February 2023
Published Find an address pattern
Find an address is a postcode lookup pattern that helps users to find and enter an address.
January 2023
Published Cookies page template
The Cookies page template gives standard content and layout for the cookies page on a DWP service. It replaces the retired “Consent to cookies” pattern.
August 2022
Published Internal service page template
The Internal service page is a basic page template for DWP services not hosted on domains. It uses the internal service header and internal service footer.
July 2022
Updated Key details bar to use GOV.UK tags
The Key details bar now allows the use of standard tags from the GOV.UK design system, making use of existing standards and giving more flexibility to designers.
Published Contact a service pattern
The Contact a service pattern shows where and how to display contact information for a service’s offline support.
June 2022
Published Internal service footer component
The Internal service footer is a simplified standard footer with GOV.UK branding elements removed, for services used by DWP staff or agents. Alongside this component we also published guidance on how to adapt the GOV.UK Prototype Kit for an internal service.
Removed “Experimental” and “Observed” labels from patterns and components
We have removed the “Experimental” and “Observed” tags from the elements of the DWP Design System. Here’s why we decided to do this: Removing “Experimental” and “Observed” labels from the design system
March 2022
dwp-frontend available on npm
We made dwp-frontend publicly available on npm, and published guidance on how to install it.
Published working example of Add another thing pattern
We built a working example of the Add another thing pattern to help designers make the routing work correctly. The example includes detailed instructions for using the pattern in prototypes.
February 2022
Published Add another thing pattern and Hint text component
Add another thing is a pattern that helps users to add more than one thing of the same type, using a summary list.
Hint text gives clear guidance for how and when to use hint text in DWP services.
Published new guidance for designers
We have written a step by step guide for designers on using our components and patterns in prototypes.
New site organisation
We have reorganised this website, most noticeably updating the Community section. If you are looking for something and can’t find it, it’s probably moved there. We based the new structure on some tree testing research.
Published updated roadmap
The updated Roadmap shows our latest plans for the future of the DWP Design System.
November 2021
Published Toggle to Welsh pattern and Key details bar component
Both include coded examples and guidance on how and when to use them. Toggle to Welsh includes detailed accessibility information; Key details bar includes guidance on how much information is too much to include.
September 2021
Published Internal service header component
The Internal service header includes:
- an example of the header with and without a sign in/out link
- guidance on when it should be used
Published DWP Design System roadmap
The DWP Design System roadmap has been published and includes the future plans for the Design System.
Launched new DWP Design System website
The new site includes:
- updated guidance on how to contribute to the DWP Design System
- the DWP Design System Community Backlog
- the DWP Design System team contact details
- information about latest updates to the DWP Design System
Published timeline component
The timeline component includes:
- an example of the timeline component
- guidance on when to use it
- information on how it should work
August 2021
Published manage a session timeout pattern
The pattern meets the WCAG 2.1 success criterion 2.2.1 ‘Timing Adjustable’. This means that a service must warn users before a session timeout occurs and allow them to extend the session.
The pattern uses a modal dialog based on code from the GOV.UK Design System community backlog.
The manage a session timeout pattern includes:
- the full journey for the session timeout
- guidance for the length of the timeout
- a modal dialog box
- recommended content for users who are signed in or not signed in to a service
- an example of the session timeout for users with devices not running JavaScript
May 2021
Retired consent to cookies pattern after launch of GOV.UK Design System pattern
This pattern has been retired and replaced by the cookies page and cookie banner on the GOV.UK Design System. Existing services that are using the DWP consent to cookies pattern do not need to update to the GOV.UK page and banner.
April 2021
Published make a declaration pattern
The pattern helps users to tell you that they have understood or agree to something before they submit an application or an online form.
Get in touch
If you’ve got a question, idea or suggestion email the Design System team on